“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.” – Mother Teresa September, 2010 Specifically, I worry that some folks I know who are in their early twenties can’t follow directions. Instead of “How do I get there?” their first question is invariably “What’s the address?” They need the address to enter into their GPS. Instead of “Take I-70 to I-170, go south, get off at Olive, turn left and go east about two blocks and you’ll see a strip mall on the right,” they want to hear “Blah blah blah Olive.” In case you didn’t know, GPS (Global Positioning System) technology works by receiving signals from satellites and calculating your position based on how far you are from each satellite. Signals from three different satellites are required in order to calculate your position accurately. A GPS unit can be a great tool—something I’ve been trying to impress on my wife, Charlotte—but you shouldn’t need one to cross the street. Instead, you should be able to follow directions. One of my favorite Bible stories is the one in Acts 8:26-40. It’s about the apostle Philip and a eunuch who was an official of Queen Candace of Ethiopia. As the eunuch rode back from Jerusalem to Ethiopia, he was reading a scroll containing what we know today as the book of Isaiah (vs. 30). Philip asked him, “‘Do you understand what you are reading?’” (vs. 30b ESV). The other man replied, “‘How can I, unless someone guides me?’” (vs. 31a ESV). Philip went on to interpret the passage (Isa. 53:7-8) and led the eunuch to salvation (vs. 35-38). Admittedly, encounters such as this are rare but we should still be ready. An encyclopedic knowledge of the Bible isn’t necessary but it does help to know your Bible. Personally I’ve read the entire Bible but that doesn’t necessarily make me a good witness. Please understand that I am not suggesting that it’s unimportant to know your Bible. The Bible is the source of our faith. It’s how we know and learn about God. It’s a cornerstone of what we believe. Being a Christian without any knowledge of the Bible is like being a carpenter who doesn’t know what a hammer is. Thomas asked Jesus, “‘How can we know the way?’” (John 14:5b ESV). And Jesus replied, “‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. . . .’” (John 14:6b ESV). If we know Jesus, then we know the way, and one of the ways we learn about him is through his Word. Martha Grace Reese, author of the “ We don’t hear the word “testified” in some churches much these days but it simply means “shared.” If I can articulate what God has done for me, then I can tell others what God can do for them. If you read an amazing book or saw a great movie, you’d want to tell people about it; you’d want to share it. How much more so for your relationship with Christ? We can share. You can. I can. Any Christian can. “Thomas said to him, ‘Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.’” (John 14:5-7 ESV.) Copyright © 2010 by David Phelps