About this site:
Hi, my name is David Phelps. Welcome to my little corner of the World Wide Web. I hope you enjoy your visit. This is the “official” Web site for “Person-2-Person.” It began as a monthly column for the newsletter of the church I attend, in a suburb of St. Louis, MO. However, it no longer appears in the newsletter. I am not a minister, just a lay person to whom God has given a gift for writing and a simple message. The beliefs and opinions expressed in “Person-2-Person” are strictly my own and do not reflect those of any church or denomination. I started writing “Person-2-Person,” with God’s help and that of my wife, Charlotte, and the urging and encouragement of Rev. Margie McDaniel Woods, our pastor at the time, in the spring of 1995. Charlotte and I originally took turns writing the column but I finally took over writing it “full time.” It was Charlotte who came up with the name for the column; I discovered the quote from Mother Teresa about five years later, but I think it fits. (I used the quote for the first time in the June, 2000 “Person-2-Person.”) December, 1998, saw the publication of Person-2-Person: Glimpses of the Spirit, an illustrated collection of “Person-2-Person” articles, by our church. People as far away as Bethesda, MD and Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX have read my humble efforts. This web site has had visitors from Canada to Australia! Charlotte and I have a daughter, Monica, who has cropped up in my “Person-2-Person” columns from time to time, and—until late 2014—we had a dog named Teri.

Me, age
Me, age 6
                                          cicra 2000
Me, circa 2000

The site was launched on April 10, 2001 and went through numerous minor changes over the following months. On August 1, 2001, I added the Archives and other new pages. On November 1, 2001, I added the photo’s above this paragraph.

Please note that these articles are not exegetical—strict extrapolations of scripture. That’s one of the reasons the main Bible verse is at the end of each article instead of the beginning, like in “The Upper Room.” But I do think these messages are in line with biblical teaching and theologically sound. Again, the beliefs and opinions expressed in “Person-2-Person” are strictly my own and do not reflect those of any church or denomination. The main thrust of “Person-2-Person” is “personal evangelism”how we can show Christ and God’s love through our behavior in everyday relationships with those around us. I pray that you will be blessed by what you find at this site and in my writing. Except as noted, the contents of this site dated prior to 1999 are Copyright © by Maplewood United Methodist Church; contents dated 1999 or later are Copyright © by David Phelps. You can quote, copy, distribute, etc., them but please don’t claim them as your own. Prior to April, 1999, I primarily used the Revised Standard Version of the Bible; beginning in April, I started using the New International Version; and starting with January, 2007, I began using the English Standard Version regularly. In early 2024, I learned that the ESV is among a number of versions that translate 1 Cor. 6:9 incorrectly so I refrain from using it. Another change for January, 2007, was that I finally updated the “Person-2-Person” logo that I designed back when the site started and that I’d been using ever since. And more recently, in November, 2020, I updated the logo again to look better on mobile browsers and devices, and made the text larger. I don’t know about you but I think it looks pretty good. I’ve known for a long time that I could do a better job. Remember too that, although God and the message of Christ are unchanging and eternal (Jas. 1:17-18), “Person-2-Person” is new every month, so please come back again!

Yours in Christ,
David P.